Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I just finished an unscheduled "restcation".  What is a restcation?   Unlike a vacation where you plan your activities and look forward to being carefree for a few days, a restcation can be torture for planners or just another curve in the road for those who take life one day at a time.  For me a  restcation is when my body decides that I will do nothing but rest for a undetermined amount of time.  There is no fighting a restcation, my limbs feel like they have 50lb weights holding them down, just lifting my head can make the room spin.  Life as I know it STOPS.  Thankfully my family has had eight years of life in the Fibro lane, and everyone knows what chores or responsibilities to take over when I am knocked down.  Before we got into the swing of things, everything would fall apart.  The dishes would sit in the sink for days, sweeping, mopping and dusting, everything would just build up, creating more work for me when I recovered from my restcation.  Now I don't even have to say anything.  My family can recognize when I am falling into restcation and gone are the days of me worry about everything falling apart.

 How you handle disappointment will have a major role in your emotional state. I used to agonize during my restcations, laying in bed worrying about when and how I was going to ever catch up, or worry about the appointments that I had to cancel.  Now I embrace my restcations.  They are a part of my life, there is nothing I can do to avoid them.  To make the most of the days when I can't even lift my arms or fingers to type on my laptop, my family joins me in the big bed and we do movie marathons, play board games ( I usually have someone roll the dice and move my game piece for me), sometimes we just snuggle and read.  Naps are a necessity, brain fog comes and goes.  Once my husband called me while he was at the supermarket, I answered the phone and while I heard everything he was saying, all he heard was snoring.  My side of the conversation was in my head, the words never made it out of my mouth.  Restcations are not a time to have important conversations.  LOL .  My family has learned to go with the flow and lean on friends to help with car pools, most of all I have learned to NOT feel guilty about what I can not do.  It is not my fault my body doesn't want to do what I want it to. 

Thankfully this most recent restcation is over and I feel human again.  Felt great to cook for my family today!!  My tip of the day is do not let your body dictate your attitude, embrace the little things and moments of life that have meaning. 

Until next time, chin up, smile and enjoy riding thru life in the slow lane!
~gentle hugs~ Dee Dee the disabled Diva!

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