Monday, February 14, 2011

Meet Dee Dee the Disabled Diva

Happy Valentines Day!  What better day to launch my blog than Valentines Day.  Besides the flowers and chocolates, it is a day for me to remember how blessed I am to have an outstanding Valentine: MY HUBBY!  I was "healthy" when my hubby and I married.  A few years into our marriage, I was diagnosed with severe Fibromyalgia and later developed problems with adhesions and nerve damage.  Each day I am reminded how fortunate I am to have a spouse who took his vows of "for sickness and in health" and "till death do us part" seriously.  There were times I have wondered why he sticks with me, especially since there were and still are days when I don't want to be stuck with me.  LOL.  My hubby has pushed my wheelchair, loaded my walker in and out of the car, picked up the household chores that I can no longer do; ALL without complaining.  Believe me, I know just how blessed I am.  To my hubby: I love you and can't imagine my life without you!!!! 

Along with having a fantastic husband, I am equally blessed to live in Southern California.  The weather is ideal for someone whose body reacts to different extremes of temperature.  I am not an idiot, I know not everyone who lives in pain can move here, but thru my travels, I have learned to appreciate where I live and to have even more sympathy for my other friends who live in pain elsewhere. 

My ultimate goal with this blog is to HAVE FUN! And to share information, along with products that have made my life easier, life's trials and joys, to share pain relief ideas, and to learn from my readers too. 

Life with chronic pain isn't a picnic, but with a few laughs shared with friends, and support from someone who understands what you are going thru, we just might make it thru the day with a smile :) 

With that said: How did you spend your Valentines day?  Mine is being spent in bed....  get your head out of the gutter. LOL  It's an extreme pain day and just getting up to go to the bathroom is agonizing.  Thankfully I had a few "good" hours over the weekend and we went out for dinner.  The food was fabulous and I am still FULL!!  :) 

Living life in the slow lane, with my hair blowing in the breeze, and a smile on my face, till next time:
DEE DEE the Disabled Diva ;)

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